PI-UPB - UPB Plug-in
Regular Price: $39.95
On Sale For: $37.95
Note: This plug-in is included for FREE with our HSPRO software.
- The UPB plugin for HomeSeer 2 adds complete UPB (Universal Powerline Bus) support to HomeSeer. - UPB is a fast, flexible and ultra-reliable powerline communication method. No additional wires are needed to control your lights and appliances! - The HomeSeer UPB plugin imports your existing UPStart UPB system description complete with room names, device names, and links. - UPB lighting controllers, appliance controllers, keypads, input modules, output modules, and all other standard devices are fully supported. - Because UPB is a two-way system your HomeSeer software is always in-sync with your devices. Installation: To install this software plug-in, simply select this plug-in from the HomeSeer v2.0 Updater and download it. The plug-in may be 'trialed' for 30 days before purchase |
This software plug-in adds support for Universal Powerline Bus (UPB) devices. |