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PI-GCIR - Global Cache IR Reciever Plug-in
Regular Price: $39.95
On Sale For: $37.95
- The plugin includes 2 items. A plug-in for HomeSeer, and a IR Learner EXE.
- The Learner EXE application is used to learn IR commands from existing remotes. The IR commands are saved to a file where the plug-in can then read them. - The plug-in adds a new event trigger in HomeSeer that allows you to trigger off the learned IR commands. IR commands sent by existing remotes can then be used to trigger events in HomeSeer to control lights, HVAC, or any other hardware attached to the HomeSeer system (PC, HomeTroller, or PRO-100) - This plug-in requires that you have the GC-IRE and GC-RG1 devices from Global Cache. |
This plug-in provides support for the GC-IRE and GC-RG1 combination. Its purpose is to allow you to trigger events in HomeSeer using any infrared remote control. |